Maaf..actually story sebelum belom habis.. xsangka akan ada org salah faham..Dgn masa yang singkat, i'll try to tell you the whole story..
Actually, apa yang saye ceritakan tu bukan bermaksud saye merasakn haqifa an fiqa an syah tu xambik kisah atau sengaja abaikan saya..bkn laa diorg tu kwn yg teruk..bkn dan benda tu salah sama sekali..Makin lama, hanya salah faham je akan jadi.. Iye la, dunia kami lain kerana akan ade diantara kami berfikaran waras..jd mcm mana pown akan ada saling of the things that i love about us.. *smile
So lets me tell the story,
Yes its true that these two years i'm spend my time with syahira, but doesnt mean that syahira better than haqifa or fiqa or syah.. i didnt mean that.. all of you is really important to me, really important..and i'll never forget about all of you..and i'll never forget your advise and the time i'm with all of you..and i'm always miss three of you..
These two years tanpa korg, urmm nk ckp korg xde bukan la xde..pada mula nye aku rase mcm korg ade ke x mmg xde itu pada mula nye.. itu pown sbb aku cuma nk kuatkan diri aku bile korg xde...korg xtau betapa aku susah nye aku tanpa korg.. aku nanges terok tau bile korg dh xsame sek an aku..mula2 haqifa..then syah..lepas tu fiqa..sampai form 5 tu kalau aku teringat, air mata aku akan terus jatuh dr kelopak mata aku..even aku dh nanges terok mana pown..bile teringat aku akan menanges mcm hujan lebat jatuh dr aku xnk la benda tu jd mcm terlalu manjakan diri aku sampai xleh teruskan hidup..hubungan aku an adik aku an mak aku pada waktu tempoh dua tahun tu..hubungan yg sangat sengit..jujur result form 4 aku tu terok gile sbb aku xde kwn yg selalu aku belajar an selalu aku tnya.
Pada waktu percubaan spm result aku turun mendadak sgt..jujur aku ckp, aku xbelajar langsung mcm sebelom ni..aku siap tgk cite anime lg habis satu cerita..itu mmg jahil laa..mmg xde kesedaran atau dh ade kesedaran tp buat2 xsedar je..
Bile tgk haqifa tgk result percubaan die sampai die nanges2, baru aku sedar an sentak..mcm baru sedar yg spm tu penting..thats really bersyukur sgt..kalau x mmg perangai canggitu je laa..
Korg nk tau something? aku ingat lg aku kena rotan an mak aku time spm hari rabu malam sebelom esok nye exam arab paper 1 an sej paper 3..aku stresssss gile time tu..yg ni najwa je tau..sbb malam tu ade tuisyen arab..aku nk solat isyak kat umah sakinah and najwa nampak aku..time tu hanya Allah je tau betapa sedih nye aku..aku rase mcm nk lari rumah je..nasib baik najwa ada..and abg asrul tlg aku sbb esok exam SPM KOWT enn..bukan nye ujian biase..
After SPM.. it really hard for to express my feelling to haqifa,fiqa and syah, tp hati tu rase nk cite mcm2 jee tp just xtau nk cite apa... but even they dont know what happen to these two years..but thay always support me and give me an advice that i need when i'm really need it..bkn xnk sbb aku xnk ingat balik benda yg sedih waktu 2 tahun korg xde..lebih baik aku cite benda2 happy je an korg..
NOW let me explain what happen right now.. yg sekrg ni berlaku hanya salah faham..
Actually masalah nye sekrg adalah aku..aku tgh menghadapi satu perasaan yg aku sendiri x nk ade perasaan tu..aku rase nk org layan aku setiap masa.. even actually benda tu aku xkisah pown..sbb aku paham keadaan org sekeliling aku..dan xperlu ws or contact aku setiap masa..hati aku rase sunyi and aku rase makin jauh dgn-Nya.. ye hati aku ade rase kekosongan yg aku rase sebelom ni ada isi tp sekrg dh hilang..aku xrase korg..maksud nye yg hilang tu bukan korg la di hati aku ni..
Masalah sekrg adalah aku.. aku xnk jauh dgn-Nya.. tp aku xtau nk bgth korg camne sbb ini masalah hati dan iman aku..aku xtau mcm mana nk aku mencari hilang kekosongan tu, bila ayah aku kate nk pegi umrah..aku mcm happy gilee sbb Allah nk tlg aku cari kekosongan tu..
Bile dh balik dr umrah..aku bukan la xdpt pape..aku jumpe yg kosong tu kat aku dpt jumpe, aku serius happy sgt..aku siap bgth kat haqifa yg aku dh baik dh sihat semua tu..
But mungkin aku xdpt istiqomah lg tp aku tgh cuba utk istiqomah apa aku buat kat sana and amalkan kat sini..Bile kat sana tu masa tu hanya utk ibadah jee..bile dh balik sini..mcm dh ade kat dunia balik..dunia sibuk..dan aku xreti susun masa..bile aku xdpt buat apa yg aku buat kat sane,aku rase yg dulu kosong yg dh diisi balik tu sikit2 menghilang, dan aku takut nk hilang...aku nk kekal kan benda tu kat hati aku..
And benda tu start after reunion..aku dh bgth mak aku lama pasal reunion and mmg gaya mak aku mcm xnk bg..aku dh bgth lepas spm haritu lg..sbb kite dh plan lama aku masih positivekan diri, ada time tu mak aku kata okei..and bile ahad pg tu mak aku kate xpayah pegi..mak aku siap suruh aku ikut mak aku pegi jemput pakcik aku kat umah maklong aku.. aku ikut la mak aku...dh la susah nk baik2 an mak aku..sekrg mood mak aku dh okey sgt an aku.. tp sbb waktu tu kakak aku an adik aku baru lepas buat perangai..kakak aku keluar xbgth..keluar masuk ikut suka die..mmg laa xde gi mana pown tp mak aku xsuka..and then jumaat tu adik aku keluar pegi CC xbgth..dh laa CC tu org vape semua..mana mak aku xangin..lastly bile reunion tu ahad tu..aku lak yg xdpt pegi..sedih sgt..sedih GILE
Jujur aku nk sgt pegi reunion tu..aku menanges tau xdpt pegi..kan mula2 yg scm tu en?aku xdpt pegi sbb aku takut reunion aku xdpt pegi..aku mmg simpan utk reunion..tgk2 mak aku xbg..aku mmg sangat sedih and rase nk memberontak pown ade time aku masih waras laa, xde la memberontak..
Tu aku bile jiwa tu dh beremosi, tang2 lak aku baru lepas period..aku kan emosi xbetol lepas period bukannye tgh period..jd jiwa aku, bukan..hati aku mcm dh lari dh..and makin hari rase mcm aku makin jauh dgn-Nya..
Aku nk bgth korg..
Bila aku nk bgth.. aku xtau nk bgth camne..bile aku dh ready nk bgth.. korg xde..aku xsalahkan korg pown..sbb diri aku yg tunggu waktu sesuai dan aku xjumpe waktu nyee bilee.. maaf sgt..benda ni pown syahira xtau..aku cuma tgh berlawan dgn godaan syaton..betol ke ayat aku?lebih kurg mcm tu laa.. tp mcm over je ayat korg mesti phm..
Aku xde la "hurt" an aku cuma stress bila korg xde bile aku mmg perlukan somebody..and korg selalu xde waktu yg sama..and aku mcm sedih plus stress je..tang2 lg aku mcm org gile berperang..
Aku minta maaf..aku syg korg sgt2..sgt2 syg..Aku minta maaf..aku senanye ingat korg tgh marah aku sbb xpegi reunion tu dgn aku senanye xsengaja..aku betol nk pegi tp keadaan waktu tu xmengizinkan..i'm really sorryy..asiiffff ! aku xtau mcm mane nk bgth betapa aku rase bersalah aan aku rase sedih xdpt pegi reunion tuu..hmm
Sekrg aku terkejut bile haqifa kate melibatkan semua org??? aku terkejut..ingat semua org marah aku xpegi reunion..rupanye pasal hubby..
Sekrg ni hal hubby and qila an ain tu.. aku sebernanye nk tlg tp aku mcm..nk ckp xde mood mcm bukan ayat yang tepat laa..maybe tunggu hubby advice to qila and ain is keep text and ws hubby, at least she knows that what she thought is wrong.. tu nanti boleh disettlekan
ukhwah fillah .........
ukhwah because of ALLAH will never disappear Insya-Allah :)
Monday, 29 February 2016
Sunday, 28 February 2016
‘ tiada ungkapan PERPISAHAN, walaupun MAUT menjadi noktahnya
kerana seorang sahabat itu terlalu ISTIMEWA dalam doa saudaranya yang lain
biarpun tanpa bayangnya’
‘jangan berjalan dibelakangku kerana aku tidak akan memimpin
jangan berjalan
dihadapanku kerana aku tidak akan mengikutimu,
tetapi berjalan
disisiku sebagai seorang SAHABAT’
‘SAHABAT SEJATI menjadi pendorong impian… sahabat berhati
mulia akan membawa kita ke jalan Allah’
‘SAHABAT SEJATI adalah tertawa bersama dalam kegembiraan dan
ikut menangis dalam kesusahan’
UKHWAH FILLAH !!!! semua org senang je ungkap kata2 tu… tp,
pernah tk terlintas dkt pikiran kita, yg akn ad UJIAN utk uji ukhwah kita???? Kdg,
kita tk sedar pn yg ujian tu adalah ujian utk friendship kita… bila dh nampak
hikmah di sebalik kejadian tu, baru kita sedar dan kita faham…
Tahu tk, UJIAN tu lah yg akn mnjd bukti either ukhwah yg
terjalin tu ikhlas kerana-Nya atau atas dasar perkara lain…
Tahu tk, UJIAN tu lah yg akan buat kita LEBIH HARGAI ukhwah
yg terjalin antara kita….
Tahu tk, kita ni as manusia selalu sgt alpa !!! kita selalu
tk hargai something yg ada dpn mata kita sampai dia hilang baru kita akan sedar… baru nk menyesal bagai… so, skrg ni ! kita
kena lh hargai apa yg ad dgn kita skrg ni… kita kena hargai setiap detik yg
berlalu kerana masa tak mungkin dapat diputar… dan, kita jgn SET dalam otak
kita, yg kwn2 kita annoyed dgn kita or rimas dgn kita??
Tahu tk knp? Sbb if someone tu betul2 IKHLAS kwn dgn kitam
dia tkkn pernah ada rasa semua tu ! dia akan always ada dengan kita ! so knp
kita perlu meragui keikhlasan dia??? Knp kita perlu pertikaikan semua tu? Kenapa
kita perlu sisihkan diri kita???
Pernah tk kita fikir, sahabat2 kita selalu RASA SAKIT DI
DADA bila kita dilukai…
Pernah tk kita fikir, sahabat2 kita selalu RASA NAK MARAH
bila kita dianiayai…
Pernah tk kita fikir, sahabat2 kita selalu RASA GEMBIRA bila
kita memperoleh kejayaan..
Pernah tk kita fikir, sahabat2 kita selalu BERDOA untuk kita
kerana dia tahu dalam persahabatan, kita perlu doa each other and dia tahu doa
secara rahsia akan lebih mustajab
Pernah tk kita fikir, sahabat2 kita selalu RUNSING MEMIKIR
bila kita dalam masalah…
Pernah tk kita fikir, sahabat2 kita selalu BERKORBAN MASA
untuk selalu ad dgn kita bila we need somebody
‘I feel sick,
I feel low,
I feel depressed and I
feel sad when I think about how I will miss miss you real bad. I feel miserable,
I feel unwell, I feel down and I feel lonely when I think about how life will
be without my bestie…. Goodbye’
‘there are things that we don’t want to happen but have to
things we don’t want
to know but have to learn
and people we can’t
live without but have to let go’
‘so lets ignore each other, try to pretend the other person
doesn’t exist,
but deep down, we
both know it wasn’t supposed to end like this’
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Wahhhhh lame gile xbuka blog ni.. haha
Haqifa ade bgth fina..suruh share kat sini.. you know what? right now i realise something..that, the way i express my feelings is with writing.. I dont know how to tell people about it.. and now what i want to do tell the story what i keep in my heart..the sad, happy, angry, dissapointed.. everythingg..because..this is the only way i can express it :)
I'm going to tell you what happen in these two years..
First day i enter Smk sek 18.. I'm with Syah and Fiqa.. Haqifa got offer from another school..when i know that haqifa going to left me.. my heart really not that i'm not happy but it just i cant be with her anymore, i keep think positive.. there's still have fiqa an syah that will be my side..
After few weeks maybe..i dont really remember the actual date but something like that..after few weeks, syah got another offer that better that smk sek 18..she told me on Wednesday and she going there the coming Monday.. you know what? What i felt that day??? My heart like crushed ! I dont know why, but i felt like if she accept the offer..i know that..after SPM we'll hard to see each other..i felt like that Friday was like the last day we'll meet. and you know what..right now i feel like what i felt that day is true. No doubt about it. Is hard to met her right now, and I'm sure that when we enter the university, we'll be difficult to see each other.
Then..after few month, after the midterm, fiqa got offer letter from school at Pahang. And she accept it. That time i felt happy for her but in the same time i'm sad because there's no one with me after she go.
After all the people that be my strength is left me.What i feel is i dont have any strenght anymore. But there's one person always be with me.. her name is Syahira Syahmi bt Hashim. She help me, be my side, me soul.. She really my soulmate. haha
And then, after two years.. I with my friends finished our SPM's exam.. Haqifa, fiqa and syah..already home, but eventhough they here but i didnt feel like they were. my heart getting worst.
I feel more lonely, lost, broken, dissapointed. i feel like being ignore all the time.
I knotice that these few days i doing many things with mistake. i know that my self is a person that cant keep in heart to long, the way i realise all these time is just crying. In the beginning it work but if if it been long time, is just like useless to cry because it doesnt feel any better but worst.
What happen these two years make me avode everyone except my family.
These two years, if i want to express my feeling to haqifa or fiqa or syah, i couldnt because they to busy. I understand, it not that i blamed them. No. Not at all. but it just there no one for me anymore. just like i said these two year Syahira accompany me. Thanks to her, i didnt feel really lonely. but i cant admit that i miss my old friend.. but i have to admit that syahira is hero to my life. Alhamdulillah it because Allah's Power.
When i'm with fiqa and haqifa, i dont know to story anything to them. maybe these two years i always kept to my heart. i'm sorry but i need time to used that i'm cannot to depands to both of you.. I didnt tell here everything because i do that, it could be a week? haha maybe month.
I really happy that i can chat2 with both of you. but you should know that, i kept to my heart because i been hurt by you. Many times that i do something that i wan to tell you that i'm hurt but you dont understand. So, i kept by myself.
You konw what, it being long time no writing about expressing my feeling. So, it like stupid right now.. haha what a fool i am. I dont think that i want tell it right now. It just complicated :")
I just want to tell you that i'm lonely and need time..
See you next time.
Wahhhhh lame gile xbuka blog ni.. haha
Haqifa ade bgth fina..suruh share kat sini.. you know what? right now i realise something..that, the way i express my feelings is with writing.. I dont know how to tell people about it.. and now what i want to do tell the story what i keep in my heart..the sad, happy, angry, dissapointed.. everythingg..because..this is the only way i can express it :)
I'm going to tell you what happen in these two years..
First day i enter Smk sek 18.. I'm with Syah and Fiqa.. Haqifa got offer from another school..when i know that haqifa going to left me.. my heart really not that i'm not happy but it just i cant be with her anymore, i keep think positive.. there's still have fiqa an syah that will be my side..
After few weeks maybe..i dont really remember the actual date but something like that..after few weeks, syah got another offer that better that smk sek 18..she told me on Wednesday and she going there the coming Monday.. you know what? What i felt that day??? My heart like crushed ! I dont know why, but i felt like if she accept the offer..i know that..after SPM we'll hard to see each other..i felt like that Friday was like the last day we'll meet. and you know what..right now i feel like what i felt that day is true. No doubt about it. Is hard to met her right now, and I'm sure that when we enter the university, we'll be difficult to see each other.
Then..after few month, after the midterm, fiqa got offer letter from school at Pahang. And she accept it. That time i felt happy for her but in the same time i'm sad because there's no one with me after she go.
After all the people that be my strength is left me.What i feel is i dont have any strenght anymore. But there's one person always be with me.. her name is Syahira Syahmi bt Hashim. She help me, be my side, me soul.. She really my soulmate. haha
And then, after two years.. I with my friends finished our SPM's exam.. Haqifa, fiqa and syah..already home, but eventhough they here but i didnt feel like they were. my heart getting worst.
I feel more lonely, lost, broken, dissapointed. i feel like being ignore all the time.
I knotice that these few days i doing many things with mistake. i know that my self is a person that cant keep in heart to long, the way i realise all these time is just crying. In the beginning it work but if if it been long time, is just like useless to cry because it doesnt feel any better but worst.
What happen these two years make me avode everyone except my family.
These two years, if i want to express my feeling to haqifa or fiqa or syah, i couldnt because they to busy. I understand, it not that i blamed them. No. Not at all. but it just there no one for me anymore. just like i said these two year Syahira accompany me. Thanks to her, i didnt feel really lonely. but i cant admit that i miss my old friend.. but i have to admit that syahira is hero to my life. Alhamdulillah it because Allah's Power.
When i'm with fiqa and haqifa, i dont know to story anything to them. maybe these two years i always kept to my heart. i'm sorry but i need time to used that i'm cannot to depands to both of you.. I didnt tell here everything because i do that, it could be a week? haha maybe month.
I really happy that i can chat2 with both of you. but you should know that, i kept to my heart because i been hurt by you. Many times that i do something that i wan to tell you that i'm hurt but you dont understand. So, i kept by myself.
You konw what, it being long time no writing about expressing my feeling. So, it like stupid right now.. haha what a fool i am. I dont think that i want tell it right now. It just complicated :")
I just want to tell you that i'm lonely and need time..
See you next time.
Monday, 24 November 2014
Seminggu sudah tamat jihad Farid di atas kertas. Huh ! Lega..
Farid perasan sejak
kebelakangan ni Nur nampak pelik. Dia jadi pendiam padahal sebelum ni, mulut macam burung
tercabut ekor. Farid memang risau tahap empat bila tengok Nur macam jauhkan diri daripada dia dan
macam asyik mengelamun je. Harini Farid tekad untuk tegur Nur juga walau apa pun jadi. ‘Hai Nur !’
sapa Farid dengan harapan Nur menjawab, kalau tak mahu pecah kepala memikirkan perangai Nur
yang semakin berubah dari hari ke hari. ‘Eh hai !’ jawab Nur. Farid terasa seperti ingin lompat tinggi-
tinggi apabila Nur menjawab. Aduh, Farid ni baru jawab tu dah rasa bahagia sangat. ‘Abang tengok
Nur asyik termenung je. Ada masalah ke? Sepatutnya abang yang muka cam Nur sebab takut result
UPSR. Nur ni over je ! Hahaha’ sakat Farid. Nur tergelak kecil. Namun itu tidak dapat menutup rasa
celaru dalam fikiran Nur.Tidak semena, Nur menangis teresak-esak sehingga menarik perhatian
semua murid yang lalu di kawasan itu. Farid menjadi tidak keruan. ‘Nur ! Nur ! Nur kenapa ni ? Ya
Allah, abang gurau je. Kasar sangat eh? Nur terasa ke ? Nur ! Abang minta maaf sangat Nur ! Please
stop crying ?’ pujuk Farid. Nur yang mendengar lebih kuat menangis ‘macam mana aku nak teruskan
hidup aku dekat sekolah kalau kau dah pergi nanti ? Nanti kau mesti masuk asrama. I’ll miss you
abang !’ bentak hati kecil Nur. Sungguh dia benci akan perasaan yang
melanda dirinya sekarang ! Nur
gagah kan jua dirinya ‘Abang ! Memang sebab abang Nur jadi macam ni ! Abang akan tinggalkan Nur
nanti ! Siapa nak temankan Nur kalau Pak Man terlupa nak jemput Nur ! Nur sayang sangat kat abang.
Nur rasa macam abang ni abang nur si Az tu. Sobsobs… answer
me abang !’ pinta Nur.
‘Ya Allah ! Nur, apa ni ? Nur buat lawak ke ? Astaghfirullah.
Abang tak pernah terpikir sampai
ke situ. Hey ! Kalau betul pun abang pergi asrama, masa cuti kan kita boleh jumpa. Abang datang lah
rumah Nur or mummy will fetch you and bring you to our house okay? Nur jangan risau, Azyan kan
ada ? Sshhh, jangan nangis dah ok ? Hodoh sangat ! Hahaha’ sakat Farid lagi. Sungguh Farid terharu
dengan Nur buat kali kedua. Perangai Nur memang tak dapat dijangka. Farid hanya mampu
menggeleng kepala je tengok keletah Nur.
*so how ? will be continued okay ?*
post by : haqifa
Kesokkan nya, Nur pun pergi menyerahkan kad ucapan kepada
Abang Faridnya itu. ‘Eh ni apa ni
Nur?’ soal Farid dengan muka yang berkerut.. ‘Kad ucapan ler, takkan jemputan kahwin pulak’ bebel
Nur dalam hati. Nur tidak menjawab malah dia tersenyum lalu pergi meninggalkan Farid yang
termangu-mangu. Farid buka kad itu lalu membacanya. Senyum ! Itu lah reaksi Farid. ‘How sweet
she is ! Nur ni tak habis-habis dengan perangai keanak-anakkan nya tu’, desis hati kecil Farid.
*okay ni bab 3 part II sebab kan aritu pendek sgt en? huhu
post by : haqifa
Saturday, 22 November 2014
BENCI dikawal dan BENCI menjadi hipokrit
assalamualaikum and good night !
aku benci bila hidup aku dikawal ketat.... dan dalam keadaan terpaksa, ye ak terima dan ak follow jela en... tp kalau smpi ak kena jd hipokrit seumur hidup ! MMG TAK ah ! cukup pnt ak dh jd hipokrit.. then nk kena jd smpi seumur hidup plk... mmg lh mmg tk...
tahu tak bahawa ' jaga lah segala tutur kata yg keluar dr mulut anda kerana mungkin ia akan membawa beribu2 penyesalan pd masa akn dtg !'
tahu tak lg yg ' kdg kala kerana kata2 yg kita tutur kan lh, menyebabkan org yg terdetik nk berubah ke arah yg lebih baik, dia u-turn sbb die amat TERASA dgn kata2 kita tu.. yg sgt PEDAS tu...'
nk tahu lg tk ? 'berdosa nya kita sebab KERANA kita lah, org TAK JADI nk berubah ke arah yg lebih baik '
tak rasa ke haa ? biarlah manusia berubah kerana kehendaknya, dan janganlah kita menjadi penyebab manusia itu TAK JADI nk berubah...
dan jangan lah berubah hanya kerana keadaan sekeliling... andai itu yg terjadi, PERCAYALAH bahawa perubahan itu takkan kekal.. tak mampu nak istiqomah kerana buat tidak ikhlas kerana Allah !
jgn lah kita jgk jd penyebab manusia itu berubah ! i mean, sbb kita terlalu anggap diri kita baik sehingga kerja kita me-ngomen org je.. semua salah... smpi org sekeliling kita berubah ke arah yg baik (yg mcm kita nak) sebab TAKUT nt diri di-komen...
get it ?
i dont know how to explain.. but phm sndri ah !
tu sbb ak tak suka dikawal dan menjadi hipokrit.. kalau setakat nk kwn tkpe.. tp nanti bila kau dh knl ak, kau jaja psl ak... kau perli2 ak... sbb apa ?!!!! sbb kau rasa aku jahat sgt en di mata kau ? then u want me to be nice and polite in 24 hours ? yes ! i can ! but tu semua lakonan and i will be hypocrite... dan ak tk larat + aku benci nk jd HIPOKRIT !!!!
post by : haqifa
aku benci bila hidup aku dikawal ketat.... dan dalam keadaan terpaksa, ye ak terima dan ak follow jela en... tp kalau smpi ak kena jd hipokrit seumur hidup ! MMG TAK ah ! cukup pnt ak dh jd hipokrit.. then nk kena jd smpi seumur hidup plk... mmg lh mmg tk...
tahu tak bahawa ' jaga lah segala tutur kata yg keluar dr mulut anda kerana mungkin ia akan membawa beribu2 penyesalan pd masa akn dtg !'
tahu tak lg yg ' kdg kala kerana kata2 yg kita tutur kan lh, menyebabkan org yg terdetik nk berubah ke arah yg lebih baik, dia u-turn sbb die amat TERASA dgn kata2 kita tu.. yg sgt PEDAS tu...'
nk tahu lg tk ? 'berdosa nya kita sebab KERANA kita lah, org TAK JADI nk berubah ke arah yg lebih baik '
tak rasa ke haa ? biarlah manusia berubah kerana kehendaknya, dan janganlah kita menjadi penyebab manusia itu TAK JADI nk berubah...
dan jangan lah berubah hanya kerana keadaan sekeliling... andai itu yg terjadi, PERCAYALAH bahawa perubahan itu takkan kekal.. tak mampu nak istiqomah kerana buat tidak ikhlas kerana Allah !
jgn lah kita jgk jd penyebab manusia itu berubah ! i mean, sbb kita terlalu anggap diri kita baik sehingga kerja kita me-ngomen org je.. semua salah... smpi org sekeliling kita berubah ke arah yg baik (yg mcm kita nak) sebab TAKUT nt diri di-komen...
get it ?
i dont know how to explain.. but phm sndri ah !
tu sbb ak tak suka dikawal dan menjadi hipokrit.. kalau setakat nk kwn tkpe.. tp nanti bila kau dh knl ak, kau jaja psl ak... kau perli2 ak... sbb apa ?!!!! sbb kau rasa aku jahat sgt en di mata kau ? then u want me to be nice and polite in 24 hours ? yes ! i can ! but tu semua lakonan and i will be hypocrite... dan ak tk larat + aku benci nk jd HIPOKRIT !!!!
post by : haqifa
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Dairy for today ;p
Td pegi sek 7 sbb nak jumpa Pn azita nak bayar duit entiti...
Then jumpa Uztazah Rodziah, Ustazah Alia dan ramai x sempat jumpa semua sbb cikgu2nyee busy..cikgu Faiz pon x semoat jumpaa..cikgu x dtg lak.. :(
Dgr khabar cikgu nak pindah huhu..nak jumpa cikgu sebelum cikgu pindah..pleasee
lepas tu jumpa kak Anis...kitaorg makan sama2 kat AC..
tp time kat sek td ramai yg x kenal fina kat sana sbb fina pakai purdah td..haha
insyaaAllah.. fina nak start pakai purdah..hati terbuka nak pakai..
windu sek 7..sek yg meninggalkan banyak kenangan bersama imtiyaz..
akan ku kenangan selamanyee..
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